Saturday, April 24, 2010

Aspragus and others.

My asparagus is finally up! So are my potatoes. I am trying a new technique with my
potatoes this year. I am planting them in a 4'x4' raised bed and adding 2x6's as they grow
to raise the bed and hopefully get more production. I have planted German butterball,
Russian bananna fingerlings and a Finn. We also butchered our 10 cornish-x chickens today.
I was glad to see them go. We still have 7 chickens in the chicken tractor that won't be ready
for another 3 or 4 weeks. They are Naked necks and Dark Cornish. What a huge difference in
growth rate. Till later.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

This is one of Olga's lambs. I may just keep him for next years breeding season.

More ram lambs!

Wheezie and Thistle both lambed singles. Once again ram lambs. OMG!

I can't believe not one ewe lamb. This is Wheezies 10.25 lb lamb.

Monday, April 12, 2010

More ram lambs!

Well Maude, Edith, Olga and Beaulah have all lambed nice, large, beautiful RAM lambs!
Yes, all eight lambs are rams! With last years 4 Archie is now 12 for 12 throwing rams.
We also butchered a ram yesterday from last years lambs. He had become quite destructive and
aggressive. We will have him made into spicy sausage. The Sportsmans butcher shop
in Carver did a great job with our venison last fall so we will take him there to see how
they do with a ram. The muskovy ducks are now setting so we should have some
ducklings in about 35 days. We plan to move them to the farm and raise them in our
chicken tractor. They will all go in the freezer. I'm considering selling my unregistered
Icelandics this fall as I will need to make a little more room for the ever hoped for
ewe lambs from the 5 ewes that have yet to lamb. I will keep my fingers crossed!
Till later, Tamera.

